School Compact

School Compact

This Parent-Student-School Compact is an agreement between the faculty and staff at Stratford STEM
Magnet School, parents, and students. All stakeholders involved agrees that all students' educational success
is a shared responsibility. The compact will be posted to the Stratford STEM Magnet School Upper Campus
website so it can be reviewed by any parent or teacher any time. The Parent-Student-School Compact was
created with input from students, parents and staff.

Please use the online form to submit your compact agreement.


I agree to:

  • provide a safe, positive, and supportive learning environment.
  • let parents know how their child is doing in my class.
  • teach my students so they can meet the MNPS and State academic achievement standards.
  • encourage, parents to be involved in my class and in school activities.
  • enforce all school rules and expectations, including the district Code of Conduct.
  • try to meet the developmental, social emotional, academic and physical of my students.
  • be available for team meetings, planning, and special events.


I agree to:

  • take responsibility by completing assignments,
  • studying, and communicating with my teachers.
  • respect school rules and expectations, including the MNPS Code of Conduct.
  • respect others, the school, and myself.
  • talk to a teacher or counselor if I need help.
  • take pride in my school and realize that I play a
  • part in the overall success and perception of Stratford.
  • choose a focused area of study within my Academy/Team so that I am prepared for college and/or a career upon graduation.


I agree to:

  • see that my child attends school regularly and on time. School hours are 7:05 a.m. to 2:05 p.m.
  • provide a home atmosphere that encourages my student to learn.
  • attend parent/teacher conferences and school activities when I can.
  • communicate with my child's teachers and
  • review progress reports and report cards.
  • volunteer when I can.
  • tell the school if we move, our phone number changes, or my child has a change in a health issue