2024-2025 Annual Title I & Family Engagement Meeting
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires each Title I school to hold an annual meeting to:
- Inform families about the school’s participation in Title I.
- Explain Title I requirements.
- Outline parents' and families’ rights to be involved.
What is a Title I School?
Title I was created in 1965 under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
- Provides federal funds to support schools.
- Funds are used to:
- Help students experiencing academic difficulties.
- Purchase additional staff, programs, materials, or supplies.
- Conduct parent and family engagement events.
What Are My Rights?
The families and parents of Title I students have a right, by law, to:
- Be involved in decisions made at both the school and district level;
- Be provided with information on your child’s level of achievement on tests in reading/language arts, writing, mathematics, and science;
- Request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teacher and paraprofessionals who are working with your child by contacting the student’s Academy Principal;
- Request opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of your child. The school is required to respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.
What Can Title I Funds Be Used for:
- smaller class sizes
- additional teachers and paraprofessionals
- additional training for school staff
- extra time for instruction (before and/or after
school programs)
- parent and family engagement activities, and/or
- a variety of supplemental teaching materials,
- equipment, and technology
How Does Our School Use Title I Funds?
- In 2021-22 school year our school was allotted approximately $676,910 in Title I
We developed a Schoolwide Program, which means we plan to spend our funds on
the following:
Supplemental Staff:
- Data Coach
- Jobs for TN Grads Instructor
- After School Tutors
- No specific programs yet
- Everyday school supplies
- Supplemental reading materials for students
What is the School Improvement Plan (SIP)?
The SIP is the School Improvement Plan. It includes:
- The identification of the school planning team and how they will be engaged in the planning process;
- A needs assessment and summary of academic and non-academic data;
- Prioritized goals, strategies, and action steps to help address the academic and non-academic needs of students;
- Teacher and staff professional development needs; and
- Budgets and the coordination of resources.
The school must include family representatives on our school planning team.
NOTE: While families must be involved in the SIP process, the school can determine who is involved and does not have to include all families. It is, however, best practice to have family representation on the SIP team that reflects the population and diversity of the school community.
Schoolwide Program Goals
- Increased academic achievement and growth in English/Language Arts.
- Increased academic achievement and growth in Mathematics.
- Increased student attendance.
- Improved school-family partnerships to address student behavior.
How is Parent and Family Engagement Funded
In 2022-2023 school year, we received approximately $2,000 in parent and
family engagement funding. We plan to use these funds for:
- Parent and Family Engagement Meeting and Events
- Freshman Academy Open House
- School Wide Open House
- Title One Meeting
- Milestone Meeting
- Senior Meeting
What is a Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- The district Parent and Family Engagement Policy can be found on the district website.
- The school Parent and Family Engagement Policy will be shared Friday Sept. 22. In addition,
the policy can be found in the main office of the school.
What is a School-Parent Compact
A school-parent compact is a written commitment that outlines how the entire school community
– teachers, families, and students will share the responsibility for improved academic
- The compact must describe how the school will:
- provide high-quality curriculum and instruction;
- hold parent-teacher conferences, annually in elementary schools;
- provide parents with reports on their child’s progress;
- provide parents reasonable access to staff.
- provide parents opportunities to volunteer; and
- ensure regular two-way meaningful communication between family members and staff, to the extent practicable, in a language family members can understand.
You, as a Title I parent or family member, have the right to be involved in the development of the compact.
What Curriculum Does Our School Use?
The Tennessee Academic Standards provide a common set of expectations
for what students will know and be able to do at the end of a grade for each
subject area.
- Tennessee's academic standards form the framework for everything taught at
Stratford STEM Magnet School.
Read more about the Tennessee academic standards.
What Tests Will My Child Take?
- FAST: Taken by 9th grade students in Math and English. This assessment is
given 3 times per school year.
- Students are expected to score proficient for this assessment and grow as the
school year progresses.
- All 11th grade students are required to take the ACT in order to graduate.
Students are given an opportunity to test in the Spring and 2 additional fee
waivers to test on national test dates.
- Students are expected to perform at or above the district benchmarks.
- All students enrolled in English I-III, Integrated Math I-III, US History, and Biology are required to take the TN Ready Assessment in the Spring.
- Students are expected to be proficient in all tested subjects.
How Can Families Be Involved?
We need you! Research has proven that family engagement in education has more impact on student achievement than any other factor.
To get involved with the SIP, Parent and Family Engagement Policy, and/or the School Parent Compact, please contact:
- Brian Harrell
- Dr. Tiffany Martin or your student’s Academy Principal:
- ASE Academy: Dr. Traci Sloss
- NSST Academy: Dr. Tiffany Martin
- Dean of Students: Dean John Pair
- Executive Principal: Dr. Michael Pratt
Who to Contact
- Front Office: 615-242-6730.
- Principal Dr. Michael Pratt.
- School Counselors:
- ASE Academy, Mrs. Constance Wade call: Ext. 810767
- Freshman Academy, Ms. Lee Mayberry call: Ext. 500311
- NSST Academy, Mrs. Tonia Clark call: Ext. 815489
- Senior Counselor, Ms. Shelby Stone