Stratford Parent Engagement
As a parent, not only are you a huge part of your child’s success, but also a big part of Stratford STEM Magnet School’s success. We want to work with you to give your child and all of our students the best education possible. The policy lists ways we will keep you informed so that you can support your child’s progress at school.
We Will Communicate with You
- As a Title I school, we will ask you to sign a copy of our Parent-Student-School Compact. The compact says that the parents, students, faculty, and staff of Stratford STEM Magnet School are committed to creating an environment in which all students can learn to their best ability. We will give you a copy of the compact in the First Day Folders, will post a copy to the school website, and will have copies available at Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO) meetings.
- We will explain Stratford’s approach to teaching, how we measure student progress, and what we expect of your child. We will help you understand Tennessee’s academic standards, student achievement standards, and local academic assessments.
- Our goal is to communicate to you clearly using many tools including weekly listserv emails, automated and personal phone calls, the school website, mail, and your child’s progress reports and report cards.
- We will help you keep track of your child’s progress. You may sign into Family Portal, an online service of Metro Nashville Public Schools, to check your child’s grades, attendance, and assignments.
We Will Meet with You
- We will hold an annual meeting to let parents and families know about our Title I participation, describe the requirements of the Title I program, and your right to be involved the program.
- We will offer Parent/Teacher conferences throughout the year so you can meet with your child’s teachers and work together to help your child succeed in school.
- We will invite you to make suggestions and to participate, when possible, in decisions about your child’s education.
- Stratford’s administration team (principals, assistant principals, and school counselors) have an “open door” policy with you for phone calls, emails, and conferences.
We Invite You to Be Involved
- We invite you to help us plan and review Stratford’s Title I program through meetings, phone calls, emails, and conversations.
- We invite you to work with us on the School Improvement Plan (SIP) by serving on the SIP committee.
- We invite you to volunteer as part of our PTSO.
- We invite you to partner with us as a community member and through your workplace to improve student achievement and career-readiness.
If you have any concerns about the Parent and Family Engagement Policy, contact Brian Harrell.